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Ch.18 - Falls Branch Falls - 2.9.19

Typically, well for about 15 of the 18 ch8ses we have met at the Publix on Pleasant Hill at 7a.m., with a 7:30 departure, and a 9am. arrival with an hour and a half road trip up to the north Georgia mountains. This ch8se was a little bit different. This chapter was written in what would be south Georgia. Despite my research, and knowing, the morning of the ch8se, out of habit, I take off from the meet up, headed north. It wasn't until after realizing our last vehicle was not behind us, and a phone call to her helped me to realize I was wrong, and headed the absolute wrong way. My error caused our first delay.

Once the caravan caught up to the solo car, that went the correct way, the ch8se was underway. 9am is the normal meet up time; however, by now, it was 9am, we had driven an hour, and made a pit stop, and still had an hour to drive.

Elevation of my anxiety, took over. I'm a stickler for punctuality, respect, and order, so by now, I'm internally loosing it, and outwardly flipping out. This ch8se had not started as planned, and was not normal at all, though, the ch8se had to go on as planned.

Out of 17 ch8ses, there had to be one to test my everything. And it continued. We are now getting closer to the location, and we get a call from the ch8sers who have already arrived. Oh, now my anxiety is out of control. Not only do I receive a call from ch8sers there and uncertain of the entrance, another ch8ser, who had driven alone, was unable to find the trail and is parked at a store. Now, our cell signal is sketchy, so trying to stay connected, is one thing, and to find a solo ch8ser is another. No ch8ser left behind. Though we are starting over an hour later than planned, this ch8se shall go on.

By now, my nerves are boiling, and all I want to do is make it to the falls. I want to regroup with all of the ladies, apologize immensely, over and over again, and literally fall into the waterfall, and stay there for a while.

Back to my story. Now, choppa's chics head to find the solo ch8ser, have her follow behind, turn on some hype music to change my attitude, and confidently drive back to the trail head. So we thought. We have sang, and danced our way 9 miles beyond where we were supposed to turn. Ya'll, I was done. Ms. precisely punctual butt had once again, mucked up. I didn't understand what was happening, this day, nor why. But no matter what, the ch8se was going to happen.

At some point, I did realize that part of the problem, was that I had failed to allow time for the 2hour drive, plus the pit stop for this ch8se. I was so used to the 1.5hr drive, that I didn't factor the extra 30 mins in, nor the initial wrong way start. My goodness. At least, this explained part of the delay, and helped me with understanding what happened. And, yes, still we ch8se.

Finally, we all make it to the trail head. I apologize, explain the situation, give the walk before the talk, and we begin the ascension to the waterfall.

Every step I took, I left a piece of the morning fiasco on that trail, and afforded the ch8sers behind me the opportunity to stomp it all into the earth, as they followed behind me, to be left there on that trail, never to return.

The beginning of this ch8se helped me in many ways. It gave me a real reality check, and reminded me of not being too comfortable with familiarity. I also learned the power of true friends. My sistas had my back ya'll. When they saw me sinking and internalizing my mishaps, they brought me back around. My D.J. crunk up some spiritual music, and snapped me right out of it and led me into that crunk session that caused us to miss our turn on the way back to the group.

I witnessed the love of true friendship, and dedication to the ch8se. I was quite a bit disappointed in myself for having the ch8sers arrive before me, and have to wait, yet I was comforted in their support of the ch8se, in the fact that they did not leave nor unload on me, like we know sistas can. When I say I am surrounded by the best of the best, know that it is no lie. My ch8se chicks are the real deal. Each and every last one of them.

Positive vibes, (check)! Amazing energy, (check)! Fantastic conversations, (check)! Powerful presence, (check)! Badassedness, (check)! Bold, (check)! Courageous, (check)! All that, then some, and then some more, (check)! When I tell you, MY ch8sers, bring it, they bring it.

We've now made it to the waterfall, and all of it's magnificence. At the top, in true ch8se form, one of our sistas has backpacked in three bottles of bEarthDay bubbly. Yess, girl, yess!! This was a ch8se first, but baby, it does not have to be the last. Our sista was a first time ch8ser, her bEarthday was in two days, why not? It was the perfect backdrop, lots of fun fellowship, and the best adventure. What better place to toast to her bEarthDay. She did that!

I also learned something new. Did you know if you dropped cotton candy in your glass prior to pouring in the bubbly, that it creates a nice colorful, and tasty affect? No lie, I learn something new with every ch8se. This one was no different.

Chapter 18 was the second location for our geoch8sing jar. Shortly after each lady had left her mark, and I placed the jar, another group came along and retrieved the jar and added to its mystery. It was so cool to witness the guys embrace the concept.

Despite the bumpy start, despite me all in my feelings, this chapter was written in history, as a ch8singwaterfalls success; Popping bottles, and all.

Our lunch date took us to the Toccoa River Riverside Restaurant. It is a neat little spot, with a great outdoor dining space, positioned right on the side of the lake. It may be one we visit at another time, when it's warmer.

Because our ch8se was so short, and the day was still young, many of us took our adventure on to the Meriner Apple Orchard. We had apple tastings, wine tastings, pastry tastings, and shopped till we dropped. This orchard is positioned on a beautiful piece of property, and though we didn't get to tour the land, we enjoyed our time nonetheless. One of our ch8sers gained quite an admirer while we played around on the big ole' tractor. We had a blast.

This chapter was written by 15 superstars, two brand new ch8sers, and hours of joy and laughter, brought to you by your ch8se champion, Dynamic Deb.

Until next time......

Peace, Love & Waterfalls

Deborah McGlawn


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