4th Anniversary Celebration at Lula Lake Land Trust
September 18 - 19, 2021 at Lula Lake Land Trust - 40 Ch8sers Strong!

Video production by Yolanda Williams, owner of She Do Graphics.
The first ever anniversary celebration for Ch8sing Waterfalls had to happen September 18, 2021, the fourth year of our movement. You know the story, the meaning behind the four, so you understand how important this fourth year is and how epic the celebration had to be.
The planning, sleepless nights, the conversations, the trials and errors, the comradery, the new relationships that will prove to be forever relationships, all the way up to the epic experience, is far greater than one persons point of view. The event was much bigger than I could ever put to words. For this reason, I have chosen to grab and share the point of view of those in attendance. Snatched straight from their social media pages, here is how the Ch8sing Waterfalls, Ch8serversary unfolded.

WOW! This weekend was amazing! Camping! Rain! Hiking! Good sisterhood fun! Thank you Ch8sing Waterfalls for the memories! Rhonda and Deborah! Thank you for good time!
First time for everything and so glad I said yes to “Embr8ceTheCh8se”! #Embr8ceTheCh8se #Ch8singWaterfalls ~ Cecelia Linley Carson
I am so happy that my schedule aligned with Ch8sing Waterfalls on their 4th Anniversary celebration. Talking about aiming high... Go big or Go home!
Deborah McGlawn and her Ch8se Champions served up a weekend that we never forget. Five! Congratulations and great job ladles. Let's take about that spectacular stay and hike to a beautiful waterfall at Lula Lake. Nothing but breath taking! The Sisterhood conversations were like melodies of God's grace to my soul. The water and its sounds was healing and restorative.

Ya'll this is my mini me in the yoga pose. She is the dopest daughter ever. She coordinated my anniversary surprise, and chose to Embr8ce The Ch8se and celebrate with me at our annivesary celebration. I am so thankful she was there with me. She is the best daughter ever. She's my ~ D'Andrea LaShay
I will be forever THANKFUL that I did not let the fear of camping prevent me from this experience and now I can't wait to camp again. I was able to find moments to be still and reflect. (I always find a rock to just sit and get lost in the presence of God and His creation). I patiently am looking forward to the next to ch8se event.

Lastly, Cecelia Linley Carson and I would like to express our appreciation for the 'award' for best tent. We spent lots of time planning and strategies for this event and was humbled to receive this award. A special thank you to our friends and families for supporting us along the way. To Lawrence Houston for transporting a room of furniture in beautiful truck for us. And, yes we brought a artificial tree to the woods. Shhh ... Lynn Jones and Kimberly Sunshine somebody (Deborah Mc) told me not to tell you we won 1st place but it was probably because we are all winners. #Ch8singWaterfalls #Embr8ceTheCh8se #BrownFacesInGreenSpaces #REI #Merrell
#StaplesinTents #Lululemon #AllTrails #NaTeaByNature #ShedoGraphics #LuLaLake ~ Deborah Rudolph

Well, well, well we survived the camping experience out here at Lula Lake. This was a first for Ch8sing Waterfalls and is one to remember.
Ch8sing Waterfalls on your4th anniversary. The hike to the waterfalls was engaging, a learning opportunity, and filled with love, laughter and life. The planned sessions were interesting, engaging and very informative.
The camping experience was a first for the majority of the ch8sers but was well excepted an enjoyed. To me there was blessing in all that rain that poured down on us Saturday night into Sunday morning. This was Gods way of getting our attention and letting us know that sometimes even in the mist of everything that is going on we need to slow down and appreciate everything that we have been blessed with. Even the rain.
I am looking forward to the next camping trip and all that it has to offer. Being out in nature is healing for the mind, body and soul. I absolutely love these peaceful moments.
Thanks to all of our sponsors and special thank you to @REI for those amazing tents.
#Ch8singWaterfalls #Embr8ceTheCh8se #BrownFacesInGreenSpaces #REI #Merrell #StaplesinTents #Lululemon #AllTrails #NaTeaByNature #ShedoGraphics #LuLaLake ~ Rhonda Stover-Griffin
So about this weekend.....what had happened was I went camping! Those who know me know I was in the Army so sleeping in a tent is just not at the top of my list of fun things to do...been there done that!!!
But this camping experience was special because I was celebrating the 4th annual anniversary of Ch8singwaterfalls with Deborah McGlawn who created Ch8singwaterfalls to help heal and get women out not only to renew their spirit but to share her love of Waterfalls!

I've said it many times on my post if you are able to come out and can experience Ch8sing Waterfalls you will love it!!! These are just a few of my pictures from the weekend! Yes a few raindrops fell over night but it didn't damper our fun, we had a blast!!! Oh did I said I had the best tent mate a Queen Lovely Lynn Jones - we are Jones Girls!! My spirit is renewed and can't wait for our next adventure!!!!
#embr8cethech8se #Ch8singWaterfalls #selfcare #treklife #brownfacesingreenspaces #onestepatatime #Rei #merrellshoes #StaplesIntents ~ Kimberly Jones
This weekend I checked two items off my bucket list. I went on my first camping trip and explored a park that I have been ogling over for years. We celebrated @ch8singwaterfalls' fourth year of impact on the community. I appreciate @rei for providing quality camping gear! Their sizable tents, hiking cots and pads, and sleeping bags reduced my concerns as a first-time camper.

It was great to see several ladies that I have missed. The park we explored is so beautiful but has some rocky, challenging trails. Once again, this ch8se pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenged my physical ability and endurance. @staplesintents gave an informative Camping 101 session after our hike. Lastly, thanks to @Merrell for providing shoes for us to test on the trails! I am still reflecting on this weekend's beauty. * Image one is a close-up of an African American woman smiling with her eyes closed as she stands in front of a rocky waterfall. The woman is wearing a cream headwrap and navy blue shirt with the words "Ch8sing Waterfalls."
Image two is four smiling African American women are standing at the back of a copper Jeep SUV. The four women are standing on the side of a black tire cover with the words "Ch8saing Waterfalls."
Image three is of four African American women standing two feet apart as they prepare to do yoga. There are four tents and green, leafy trees in the background.
Image four is a close-up of a rocky outcrop lined with bright, green moss growing over the rocks.
Image five is an overview image of a rocky creek with trees branches stretching over the creek.
Image six is a brown and tan REI tent with leafy, green trees in the background. ~ B.Renee Robinson

Things tend to happen at Ch8sing Waterfalls. One thing that happens that I LOVE THE MOST on Ch8sing Waterfalls is the conversations.
I found God putting conversations in place. Giving me information and motivation that I need as I transition to the next level with my business!
Its amazing who God will send your way when you stay aligned and get out of your own way. Thank you @womanpreach @plantaseednow_girltrekker and @mrs_aprilsmith
#itsspiritual #itstheconnectionsforme #nextlevel #wonthedoit #orderedmysteps He bring the right people at the right time #Ch8singWaterfalls #Embr8ceTheCh8se #BrownFacesInGreenSpaces #REI #Merrell #StaplesinTents #Lululemon #AllTrails #NaTeaByNature #ShedoGraphics #LuLaLake #natureheals #selfcare #itstheviewforme ~ Yolanda Williams of She Do Graphics (creative behind the opening video of this blog.)
Ch8sing Waterfalls did it again! A great weekend celebrating Ch8sing Waterfalls 4th Anniversary with hiking, nature, waterfalls, and camping. There was so much to see and experience, the sights, the sounds, the laughter, and just a good time with the great company of some wonderful sista/girlfriends. Oh and we added yoga in the mix along with camping in the great outdoors. This video is just a small snippet of what took place this weekend. There are so many more wonderful things that were experienced and memories that were created that I will hold close. Thanks to all who were able to participate and thank you to all our sponsors. It was a great trip and so much fun! #Ch8singWaterfalls#Embr8ceTheCh8se#BlackGirlHealing ~

Ch8sing Waterfalls celebrated its 4th Anniversary this weekend with an awesome hike and added some more outdoor fun to the mix with camping. I really enjoy so much about hiking and the outdoors with this awesome group of sista/girlfriends. I am forever grateful for the experience of being with people who accept you and encourages you to move forward even when the hike seems a bit hard. When you reach that destination the beauty of it all is so well worth the challenge the hike may bring. When you think about it, isn't life like that sometimes? This has been so healing for me in so many ways. Thank you Deborah McGlawn for your vision in Ch8sing Waterfalls and thank you Ch8se Champions! It is all truly been a tremendous blessing in my life. The entire weekend was a wonderful experience! #Ch8singWaterfalls
Charis Harris of Go Forward Productions (creative behind the video directly above this paragraph)

Let me tell you about the spectacular woman. We first met at Stress Protest, 2019 and have remained connected via social media. She RSVP'd to the Ch8serversary and I thoght to myself how awesome it would be for her to celebrate with us. In the midst of all the planning, I didn't think much more of it. Ya'll Angie Orr lives in DC. She's my GirlTrek siStar and friend. Listen, she missed her flight, packed her car and drove 11hrs to celebrate 4 years of #Ch8singWaterfalls with me and our Atlanta siStars. Did you read that? She drove to celebrate with me! With us. Amazeballz. 😭 She was my first big surprise of the day. It was so good to hug and cry with this beautiful siStar. What a gift, what an amazing gift. Angie, you are the dopest, coolest, chic ever. Thank you for blessing me by sharing your shine on my special day. I love you too life. I cannot wait to see you again soon. ~ Deb
Yesterday I did a thing. I listened to my spirit. Work has been crazy and I have had very little sleep over that last 2 weeks. My body was physically tired. My mind was overwhelmed but my spirit needed to connect with my sisters and I wanted to celebrate my sister @debomcglawn and @ch8singwaterfalls. So I ignored the quiet whispers of doubt and filled my spirit with love, encouragement, joy, and peace. My body got some hugs and fresh air and my mind relaxed. Self care is listening to your spirit and giving your soul what it needs. ~ Mykal Fraser | Opt for outside, find you a waterfall in the midst of lack, not enough and frustration. Find your peace and tranquility. Find your space in this vast world and give thanks! ~ Stacy Madison |

Ch8serversary at Lula Lake. What an amazing day! I love when I can spend time with this group, it just brings peace to my soul! This was the first sleepover or camping event I did with this group;Spectacular experience. We didn’t let the rain spoil our fun, we just pivoted and made the best of it. ~ LaTonda Oladapo

The weekend was spent with #ch8singwaterfalls at Lula Lake Land Trust. The camaraderie was felt throughout each experience on the hike and during the overnight campout. We were, “Changing The Narrative of Outdoors, One Adventure At A Time”. Thanks to the Ch8se Team, sponsors, & all of the siStars for an amazing 4th anniversary celebration! #embr8cethech8se ~ Kay Cee

#about #SuperheroSaturday #Ch8singWaterfalls Awwww...I'm still too tired to articulate and share via post the full greatness of yesterday's 4 year anniversary of @ch8singwaterfalls It doesn't help that I traveled and trekked another 6 miles today. Smh at myself. Anyway. Yesterday, was beyond amazing and full of joy. For our @girltrek #superherosaturday #sisterhoodsaturday we celebrated our #GirlTrek sister, tone setter and trailblazer @debomcglawn and embraced the chase. . What does it mean to #Embr8ceTheCh8se ? Well, 4am wake up calls, road trips with @nothyself72 @thesurvivorsnest @i_am_the_evidence discussing @npr #justicesystem #llcs #eins #entrepreneurships #governmentcontracts #networking @themarshallproject. . It means pulling up to the @lulalakelt and immediately jumping out and @ayjay48 and I hitting that @mylesyachts as we registered for the day. . It means to all genuinely be so elated for the blossoms and depth of @debomcglawn vision. We wouldn't have missed it for the world. Her sisters drove from near and far to celebrate, support, clap for and give her the roses she deserves. .
It means trying new things. Me & ummmm but I did it. We did it. . It means Temeka @ringerphotography having me literally choked up, speaking life and manifesting vision for me. Most unexpected and humbling and beyond appreciated. . It means sisters sharing 5star lunch spreads. It means @cookingwithneci radiating light with her beautiful smile. . It means #dynamicduo @destinytransformer @deewms52 holding each other down and everyone else. Love is us. #jeditrail . It means @girltrek sisterhood love. @atltreks star chasers holding things down making sure all was smooth, fun and safe. ( @lynnjones1932 @kimberkarr @ayjay48 #rhonda )To #Embr8ceTheCh8se means to fly or hike in love. Thank you, Deb. ~ Jean Peck

Ch8singwaterfalls 4th Anniversary Celebration with an awesome hike and camp out. I enjoy our hikes and spending time with these amazing ladies. This is always a great experience learning, slowing down and being out in nature.
Thank you #Rei for the amazing tents and gear. ~ Yolanda Epps
As you can tell, this was one of those "you had to be there" experiences. There were so many beautiful takeaways, so many emotional highs and epic moments that it is literally weeks later, and I am still on a high.
Reflecting, rejoicing, and reminiscing about this wonderful weekend has me all the way back in my feelings, in a near unexplainable way. I am aware that I'm truly one blessed being. I am humbled to be trusted with this mission, knowing it was birthed from personal pain that had me searching for my own healing. It is amazingly powerful for me to witness beautiful Black women in search of and finding their own healing in nature. It makes me so happy and so proud. It is a beautiful blessing to be the head of this purpose driven mission of empowering Black women to find their healing, while forging diversity in nature, all while ch8sing waterfalls, one adventure at a time. Listen, when we first lost our daughter, I would have never imagined being in this space in life, never. It has been a process, a real life process, by which I am honored to be called, blessed to be trusted, and thankful to have survived the pain to be present in this very moment. siStars, ch8sers, friends, thank you for choosing to Embr8ce The Ch8se with me.
How many times have I told you that I am surrounded by the most amazing siStar circle ever. I am blessed with the most beautiful friends a girl could ever ask for. I have a vibe tribe that is the best of the best. I call them my tried and true ch8se crew. Without a doubt, they have my back. They support me, pray for me, encourage me and will block for me if ever the need arises. My amazing daughter, Don and the Ch8sing Waterfalls Tried & True crew, surprised me with a custom wheel cover for Choppa. Ya'll they got me good. You should see me looking in the rear view mirror checking for the car behind me as they checking me out. It is priceless the joy these ladies give me and have given me in this thoughtful gift. Ya'll they caught me ugly crying. You'll see the pics below. But here she is, Choppa's new wheel cover.
Happy 4th Anniversary to us. Thank you ladies. You are the best.

There were so many amazing captures from the ch8sers who celebrated with us. If you search our hashtags on all social sites you too will find them. Below is the photo dump from our photographer Tameka Ringer. I will share the video compilation later via our new channel that is about to launch soon. Stay tuned for that. Until then I hope you enjoyed this read and you find the same happy vibes I did when viewing these images.
Love, Peace and Waterfalls ~ Deb
........................ p.s. these awesome pics are in the most random order ever. There were too many to try and organize after the upload. Enjoy anyway.
Such wonderful memories and pictures. ♥️♥️♥️Happy Fourth Anniversary #Ch8singWaterfalls 💪🏾✨⭐️🏕🗻⛺️